disney X Pass Fast Pass

Here’s what you need to know about Disney Fast Passes

1. You no longer have to pick three Disney World FastPasses.  If you want just one fastpass, you can now pick just one.  So if you are arriving late in the day and just want one or two FastPasses for that day, you can get just that.

2. Get your Fastpasses instantly.  You no longer have to go to a Disney Fastpass+ kiosk to get anther Fastpass.  Once you use your three Disney Fastpasses, you can use your App to book another FastPass.  We believe you can get a fourth fastpass then a fifth and so on.  Please post a comment below if you got a fifth fastpass.  Being able to get additional FastPasses without waiting in a kiosk line.

3. Now you can pick your FastPass rides and attractions and the times.  You no longer have to go back into the App to get teh ride times you really want.  You can pick your ride and attraction times in the App when you select the attraction.  Of course that time needs to still be available.

4. You can now Park Hop with FastPasses.  If you plan your Fastpasses correctly, now you can add additional FastPasses via the App on your mobile device.

– You must have used your original FastPasses first.
– After you use your FastPasses you can then book same day Fastpasess for another park
– If you have a very late FastPass booked it is going to be difficult to add additional FastPasses, because you have to use all your booked FastPasses before adding a new one.
– Booking same day FastPasses might not get you the E ticket rides you want, vs. reserving your FastPasses 60 days before your check in date at a Disney World Resort.

 Disney Magic Band


5. Everyone in a group can now book their own Fastpasses.  You can break up a group and also cancel individual Fastpasses.  This is nice for families with kids of different ages that can not or do not want to all ride the same rides.

6. Quick Picks.  Don’t care what you get?  You can get Quick picks and then modify the times.  You can also now get 1-3 Quick Picks.

Listen to our full Mouse Chat show here to learn about Disney World FastPasses+ change and tips.

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Fastpass+ with Magic Band
disney X Pass Fast Pass
Disney Magic Band
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